AI Product

Highly accurate personalized product matching using the power of AR & AI

Bring your looks to life

Have a perfect skin using SkinPride based on AI technology to disable factors making your skin age and receive all sorts of necessary services.

Innovative real world instant product trials

A time and cost- efficient application providing users with a virtual try-on opportunity to test skin care products and cosmetics before purchasing them.

Personalized Product recommendation

E-commerce capabilities might worry some customers purchasing cosmetics or skin care products, since they might not be apply to apply a certain product to make sure if it is the one they need. However, SkinPride offers users a try-on virtual opportunity so that they can buy whatever they want easily.

With SkinPride, you can take the guesswork out of skincare and achieve healthier, more radiant skin.
Don’t wait, try SkinPride now and see the difference it can make in your skincare routine!